and make new stories together
How did we get here?
Since 2019, the WCK Backpack Scholarship program has provided opportunities for donors to sponsor backpacks for families who are not in a financial position to purchase.
Connecting people is at the heart of all we do. Therefore, we are now offering a platform where generous givers can connect more directly with the stories of families we seek to support.
How is this different from a regular donation to WCK?
The main purpose of our Causes platform is to connect you more personally to those who are benefitted and supported by your gift. You can read their story, see their picture, and choose to support their goals. Plus, when you give to a Cause, you'll be subscribed to receive updates about their progress and ongoing story, both before and after the campaign is complete.
How are Causes created and how do they work?
When individuals, families, and caregivers create a profile, they share their story and plans for the new backpack they hope to receive. Then, WCK helps calculate the total costs needed to provide a pack (including shipping and import fees). This gives each profile a unique fundraising goal.
Once created and approved by our team, the new Cause will appear on our website in the searchable community. Visitors can browse, view stories, and donate directly to any Cause.
When a fundraising goal is met, our team will get to work preparing a WCK Backpack to send out. Once received, the new owner can begin their adventures and WCK will be alongside, offering ongoing support.
Cause recipients may also choose to update their profile during and after their fundraising campaign to share their backpack adventures and how the giving has impacted their lives. So be sure to follow!
Can anyone sign up?
Since we are just beginning to cultivate this new platform, we are carefully limiting the number of Causes we promote at a time. If you are interested in creating a Cause page for yourself or someone close to you, please contact us: